
Must See !! Basic Steps to assemble your Own PC Computer with Minimum Upgrades

Build Own DIY PC - PC Assembly Made Easy

Written by flashG
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Usage of computers in our lives are now so prevalent such that majority of people like you and me will access to computers in one way or another on a daily basis. Hence, it is even more crucial that our computer systems are functioning at tiptop performance every day.

Essential DIY PC Assembly Guide Through Videos!! Specially Made by flashG

As an experienced computer user, I know that there are problems abound, and with more than 20years of experience with computer troubleshooting, I will be striving to utilize my past skills and knowledge to contribute back to the IT community through various valuable information articles and also VIDEOS !!

Some of the common problems that often come to mind are as follows:
1) Long boot time
2) Slow performance
3) Security headaches
4) Insufficient storage space for files, important documents, and backup.
5) Affordable Upgrades
5) And much more....

Are you also starting to face these problems, or already quite frustrated with these problems for quite some time, and no avenue to seek help?? Well don't worry. Help is here!!

Right Today, we will explore on practical and affordable ways to turn your current "not so new" PC into an almost Brand New computer system with Minimum upgrades and maintain peak performance.

First, we need to evaluate what we would like to achieve with the new PC. Feedback from friends and past customers show the following typical uses:
1) Home use
2) Work use
3) Gaming Enthusiasts
4) Digital Home Entertainment system
5) Server

Secondly, let's take a lighter look at what constitutes a computer through an analogy. A computer is like a human, with a body and within the body, we have the vital components all working in sync towards a smooth operation and functioning. However, there are also times where computer like human will fall sick and have components failing, hardware failing, software failing, and need repair/replacement. On the whole, treat your computer well and your computer will treat you back well too!!

Detailed Breakdown of a Computer - What is inside your PC?

1) Chassis: (Body) Contains internal components, external components, and peripherals.
2) Internal components:
-Power Supply/PSU power supply unit: Provide appropriate voltages and currents for the various internal components.
-Motherboard/mainboard: Akin to a skeleton, all other components attach to this MB.
-Processor/CPU central processing unit: Akin to the brain, all major tasks and instruction are executed through this, so it is crucial to have a good CPU for faster better performance.
-RAM random access memory
: Used to store program instructions and data. More RAM also implies better performance.
-Hard Disk: Used for storing your essential files and documents such as videos and pictures
-CD/DVD writer: Commonly used for accessing data on optical disks.
-Video Card: Provide an outlet to connect a monitor. Different video cards also have
individual performance levels.
3) External components:
-Keyboard: Typing use
-Mouse: Commonly used for click and drag functions
-Monitor: For displaying the output from your computer. You can’t do without one =)

How to upgrade with only the Essential Components ??

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Given that technology gadgets are getting cheaper, I strongly encourage you to change the following essential items:
1) Processor / Motherboard
2) RAM
3) New Hard Disks

Items which typically can be moved over from the old PC are as follows:
1) Optical drives, e.g. CD/DVD drives
2) Floppy drives
3) Old hard disks: so that all essential documents are still available
4) Video cards
5) Audio Cards
6) Keyboard / mouse / printers / scanners / speakers
7) Monitor

As you can see, with only a few strongly recommended items to upgrade, it is both practical and affordable to revive your own system with some low cost upgrades (typically less than US$800)

With the new PC components, assembly of the new DIY PC Begins.......

Click here to continue Guide !!

Have fun. =)
